Casa Barone

L’azienda agricola casa Barone è la più grande azienda biologica del Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio. Il principale corpo aziendale, di circa 11 ettari, è ubicato alle pendici del Monte Somma, il vulcano originario dal quale si è formato, per successive eruzioni, il cono del Vesuvio.

le conserve


le confetture

The Piennolo tomato variety is the ONLY one included in the Slow Food Ark of endangered foods, our Piennolo by Casa Barone tomatoes the ONLY certified organic tomato of its kind and growing on the Mount Vesuvius slopes since 1944. To add status to status Piennolo tomatoes will soon be given DOP certification and they are one of the very few varieties recommended by the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana.

“Piennolo” tomatoes are grown organically on the Mount Vesuvius National Park and benefit from the high concentration of minerals of the rich lava soil. Casa Barone is located on the slopes of Monte Somma, in Campania. It is an arc-shaped mountain, really the remnant of an older volcanic cone destroyed in a previous cataclysmic event. Agriculture around Mount Vesuvius owes much to the lava soil rich in minerals, excellent drainage and the Mediterranean climate. These encourage the growth of exquisite fruits such as apricots, pears and figs. The apricots for example ripen between June and July and then they are gone. Obviously , the best way to savor this extraordinary fruit year round is by eating Vesuvian Apricot Jam.

la marmellata

i liquori

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